function Messenger(win) { // save the pointer to the window which is interacting with = win; this.init(); } // postMessage API is supported Messenger.prototype.init = function () { var self = this; var receiver = function (event) { // Some IE-component browsers fails if you compare // window objects with '===' or '!=='. //ie8常常event.source != self.win判断为true。但debugger时不会有问题。 //原处理:if (event.source != return; //临时处理:一个iframe与parent之间使用messenger时不会有什么隐患: if(navigator.userAgent){ var ua = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); if(!/msie 8/i.test(ua)){ if (event.source != return; } } (self.onmessage || function () {}).call(self,; }; if (window.addEventListener) window.addEventListener('message', receiver, false); else if (window.attachEvent) window.attachEvent('onmessage', receiver); }; Messenger.prototype.send = function (data) {, '*'); }; Messenger.initInParent = function (frame) { return new this(frame.contentWindow); }; Messenger.initInIframe = function () { return new this(window.parent); }; // in IE, postMessage API is not supported if (!window.postMessage && window.attachEvent) { // redefine the init method Messenger.prototype.init = function () { var isSameOrigin = false; // test if the two document is same origin try { isSameOrigin = !!; } catch (ex) {} if (isSameOrigin) { this.send = this.sendForSameOrigin; this.initForSameOrigin(); return; } // different origin case // init the message queue, which can guarantee the messages won't be lost this.queue = []; if (window.parent == { this.initForParent(); } else { this.initForFrame(); } }; Messenger.prototype.initForSameOrigin = function () { var self = this; document.attachEvent('ondataavailable', function (event) { if (!event.eventType || event.eventType !== 'message' || event.eventSource != return; (self.onmessage || function () {}).call(self, event.eventData); }); }; Messenger.prototype.sendForSameOrigin = function (data) { var self = this; setTimeout(function () { var event =; event.eventType = 'message'; event.eventSource = window; event.eventData = data;'ondataavailable', event); }); }; // create two iframe in iframe page Messenger.prototype.initForParent = function () { var fragment = document.createDocumentFragment(); var style = 'width: 1px; height: 1px; position: absolute; left: -999px; top: -999px;'; var senderFrame = document.createElement('iframe'); = style; fragment.appendChild(senderFrame); var receiverFrame = document.createElement('iframe'); = style; fragment.appendChild(receiverFrame); document.body.insertBefore(fragment, document.body.firstChild); this.senderWin = senderFrame.contentWindow; this.receiverWin = receiverFrame.contentWindow; this.startReceive(); }; // parent page wait the messenger iframe is ready Messenger.prototype.initForFrame = function () { this.senderWin = null; this.receiverWin = null; var self = this; this.timerId = setInterval(function () { self.waitForFrame(); }, 50); }; // parent page polling the messenger iframe // when all is ready, start trying to receive message Messenger.prototype.waitForFrame = function () { var senderWin; var receiverWin; try { senderWin =[1]; receiverWin =[0]; } catch (ex) {} if (!senderWin || !receiverWin) return; clearInterval(this.timerId); this.senderWin = senderWin; this.receiverWin = receiverWin; if (this.queue.length) this.flush(); this.startReceive(); }; // polling the messenger iframe's Messenger.prototype.startReceive = function () { var self = this; this.timerId = setInterval(function () { self.tryReceive(); }, 50); }; Messenger.prototype.tryReceive = function () { try { // If we can access name, we have already got the data.; return; } catch (ex) {} // if the name property can not be accessed, try to change the messenger iframe's location to 'about blank' this.receiverWin.location.replace('about:blank'); // We have to delay receiving to avoid access-denied error. var self = this; setTimeout(function () { self.receive(); }, 0); }; // recieve and parse the data, call the listener function Messenger.prototype.receive = function () { var rawData = null; try { rawData =; } catch (ex) {} if (!rawData) return; = ''; var self = this; var dataList = rawData.substring(1).split('|'); for (var i = 0; i < dataList.length; i++) (function () { var data = decodeURIComponent(dataList[i]); setTimeout(function () { (self.onmessage || function () {}).call(self, data); }, 0); })(); }; // send data via push the data into the message queue Messenger.prototype.send = function (data) { this.queue.push(data); if (!this.senderWin) return; this.flush(); }; Messenger.prototype.flush = function () { var dataList = []; for (var i = 0; i < this.queue.length; i++) dataList[i] = encodeURIComponent(this.queue[i]); var encodedData = '|' + dataList.join('|'); try { += encodedData; this.queue.length = 0; } catch (ex) { this.senderWin.location.replace('about:blank'); var self = this; setTimeout(function () { self.flush(); }, 0); } }; }